


St. Vincent’s Vasectomy clinic is a once/month clinic that offers vasectomies to patients who desire permanent sterility. Please email stv.vasectomy@gmail.com or have the patient call 831-910-7621 to make an appointment.
We also can do some select urology appointments (we are limited on what we can provide, and we want to honor patients’ time). Please email stv.vasectomy@gmail.com to request a consult. 
For general urology complaints, we believe that those needing maintenance care (ex. Foley and suprapubic catheter exchange, urinary drainage bags, or clean intermittent catheterization supplies) would benefit the most from an in-person visit.
For chronic urologic problems, you can email the case to the team and they will review them in a case-by-case to decide on whether they would benefit from an in person visit.
If these patients desire definitive treatment for their conditions, we advise referring them to the necessary resources to start the casebook process so that they may be evaluated and treated in a formal urologic care setting.
Please do not hesitate to refer any patients with suspicion of urologic malignancy so that we can find a solution in a timely manner.